ow to use SugarSync on the iPhone

2023年7月7日—BothiCloudandSugarSyncofferfilesynchronization,buttheydifferintheirapproach.iCloudfocusesonseamlessintegrationbetweenApple ...,iPhone&iPad·CleanMyDevice-FreeuplocalstoragebyusingSugarSynctostoreyourphotosandvideos·**What'snewintheSug...。參考影片的文章的如下:


iCloud vs SugarSync

2023年7月7日 — Both iCloud and SugarSync offer file synchronization, but they differ in their approach. iCloud focuses on seamless integration between Apple ...

iPhone & iPad

iPhone & iPad · Clean My Device - Free up local storage by using SugarSync to store your photos and videos · ** What's new in the SugarSync application for ...


Hi folks, I have been made aware of an application called SugarSync I allows one to sync files between ios and pc including documents.

SugarSync for iPhone

SugarSync is a free app for iOS that belongs to the category Productivity, and has been developed by SugarSync, Inc.. It's recommended for students, small ...

SugarSync on the App Store

SugarSync lets you securely backup your files, photos, music, and more, on any device. We add a layer of security to all of your file syncing and storing so ...

The Best Cloud Storage for iOS

SugarSync automatically and continuously backs up your files for you, so you can rest assured that all of your documents, photos, and more will remain safely in ...

今天分享SugarSync 的雲端空間

SugarSync 所支援的平台應該算是所有的同步軟體之中算最多的,包括PC、Mac、 iPhone、Pod、 Android、BlackBerry、Windows Mobile等,關於SugarSync申請和安裝的方法說明 ...

在App Store 上的「SugarSync」

SugarSync lets you securely backup your files, photos, music, and more, on any device. We add a layer of security to all of your file syncing and storing so ...


2023年7月7日—BothiCloudandSugarSyncofferfilesynchronization,buttheydifferintheirapproach.iCloudfocusesonseamlessintegrationbetweenApple ...,iPhone&iPad·CleanMyDevice-FreeuplocalstoragebyusingSugarSynctostoreyourphotosandvideos·**What'snewintheSugarSyncapplicationfor ...,Hifolks,IhavebeenmadeawareofanapplicationcalledSugarSyncIallowsonetosyncfilesbetweeniosandpcincludingdocuments.,,SugarSyn...